Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Gosh. Maybe You Shouldn't Be A Pharmacist, Huh?

This is a slippery slope, indeed. How about (stolen/modified from here):

- Check out clerks who verify how fat you are before selling you that package of potato chips?
- Pharmacists who don't want to fill prescriptions for Jewish customers whose ancestors killed Christ?
- Pharmacists who don't want to help customers who worship a "Satanic counterfeit" (read: "The Pope," in fundie-speak)?
- Pharmacists who only dispense HIV medicine to "innocent victims" of AIDS?
- Pharmacists who want proof that women seeking emergency contraception were really raped, and that they didn't "deserve it"?
- Christian Scientist pharmacists or cashiers who refuse to sell any medicine, even aspirin, to anyone?
- Pharmacists who won't sell birth control pills to unmarried women, condoms to unmarried men, or any birth control at all because God doesn't want people spilling their seed?
- Employees who, for religious reasons, refuse to interact with gay people in any way, shape or form since gays are sinners, abominations, biological errors, and very likely pedophiles?

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm Not Worried About The Pirates...

I'm worried about the NINJAS. Yarrr.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You Are Not A Whore. But You Are Wearing A Whore's Uniform, I'll Tell You That!

There really should be a word for the look a woman gives a guy when she notices him staring at her overly exposed cleavage. Where is Rich Hall when you really need him?

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Just So We're Clear...'s perfectly okay for Will Smith to have guns on movie posters, but it is NOT okay for 50 Cent to have guns on movies posters or billboards. But if you are white and attractive, it's ALWAYS okay. Um. Any questions?

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Best Cartoon EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

Making fun of the religious may not be nice, but it sure is FUN!

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Monday, November 07, 2005

Remember When Models Were...What's The Word...ATTRACTIVE?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Quote For The Day:

"Only the guilty find the truth insulting."

And who said this, you ask?

I did. Just now.

Why, you ask, did I say this?

On Monday, I was told by one of the primary fucktards in my life (who is mostly responsible for much of my current stress) that my e-mails detailing his mistakes on the project we're working on were "insulting". I was even "ordered" not to cc: others on such e-mails; something I had actually not done, but may soon do, not just to people involved in this project, but to everyone I know who works in theatre, and maybe a few people I don't know.

I understand his pain*. No one likes being called on their bullshit. Especially if they don't BELIEVE that it's bullshit, and in fact think they haven't MADE any mistakes. See also: the Bush Administration, most major corporations, etc.

* Just because I understand his pain does NOT make him any less of a fucktard.

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Things You Probably Don't Know About Me...

- I'm pro-choice, but anti-abortion.

- I speak fluent cat.

- I'm scared of people. Or maybe I just don't LIKE people.

- When I'm bored at work, sometimes I play "space battle" with pens, thumbtacks, and binder clips.

- I almost joined a Buddhist monastery a few years ago.

- I do NOT know when to hold 'em, or when to fold 'em. I do, however, know when to walk away, and I damn sure know when to run.

- I'm not as big an asshole as some people think I am. I am also not as nice as my girlfriend believes I am.

- I almost went on one of those "Russian Romance" tours to meet prospective wives before I met my girlfriend.

- My real dream is NOT to be a successful actor, but to be rich enough to never have to leave the house ever again (see the third item above).

- Ever since I was very young, I believed that someday I would develop special/super/psychic/magical powers that would make me special, and I'd be able to help people. I only recently stopped believing that. That was a pretty sad day for me.

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