Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Quote For The Day:

"Only the guilty find the truth insulting."

And who said this, you ask?

I did. Just now.

Why, you ask, did I say this?

On Monday, I was told by one of the primary fucktards in my life (who is mostly responsible for much of my current stress) that my e-mails detailing his mistakes on the project we're working on were "insulting". I was even "ordered" not to cc: others on such e-mails; something I had actually not done, but may soon do, not just to people involved in this project, but to everyone I know who works in theatre, and maybe a few people I don't know.

I understand his pain*. No one likes being called on their bullshit. Especially if they don't BELIEVE that it's bullshit, and in fact think they haven't MADE any mistakes. See also: the Bush Administration, most major corporations, etc.

* Just because I understand his pain does NOT make him any less of a fucktard.


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