Tuesday, September 12, 2006
...because I couldn't care less about the new Transformers movie. I literally start snoring when I see the movie mentioned on a website. Never watched the cartoon. Never had the toys. The idea of sentient machines that can either be in the form of a fighting robot or...a truck sort of baffles me. And not in a good way, like dark matter, or how women manage to make their boobs jiggle so wonderfully. More in a "wow, that's stupid" or "wow, that's worse than the power rangers or that pokemon crap" kind of way. Wanna get me interested? Have them change from fighting robots into porn stars. Or trannies. "More than meets the eye", indeed!
You don't think the silicone enhancements of a porn star are in any fashion comparable to the silicone enhancements of Maximus Prime? You know, Jean Harlow was once described as "she uses her breasts like a man uses a gun". Same concept, different enhancement.
I mean, I could care less about Transformers too, but you know, I just had to point out the obvious similarity between women and fictional war machines.
You don't think the silicone enhancements of a porn star are in any fashion comparable to the silicone enhancements of Maximus Prime?
I *do* think that they are comparable. That's sort of what I was saying, but you said it better. Maybe I should hire you to be my publicist. Heh.
Imagine the possibilities of a "Maximus Jennabot". Or a "snapping pussy" attack drone...
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