Overheard on the elevator in the building I work in:Dude #1: Rule number three - chicks who have pictures of their pets in their personal ads should be avoided at all costs.
Dude #2: True dat.
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iPOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/khan]
My iPod (4th generation 20 gig click wheel) has worked just fine since I bought it in March of 2005; recently (over the last month) it has begun to behave quite oddly:
- it claims to be out of power even though I know it's charged up
- it skips songs by itself and/or freezes up
- at one point the all of songs “disappeared”, then came back, but it still skips songs (in the middle of the song mostly), or freezes (mostly at the end of songs), THEN skips to the next song.
Now my computer will not recognize my iPod (it just sits there, while the iPod makes clicking/restarting noises), and iTunes will not update my iPod. I have tried resetting it, I tried different cables, different computers, I tried charging the iPod completely before connecting...but nothing helps.
I found several articles on the internet suggesting that for these types of problems there are but two options:
1) replace the hard drive (i.e., new/refurbished iPod, lose all music not backed up, meaning ALL music, as I’m having trouble with my backup drive as well)
2) drop the iPod from three inches onto a desk.
Out of frustration, I tried #2. My iPod is now working perfectly.
Viva la caveman.
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There is currently no reason to believe that plants experience pain
because they are devoid of central nervous systems, nerve endings, and brains.
This was also thought of humans not too terribly long ago.
Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion, but freedom of thought is not the same thing as freedom of action. You are free to believe whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt others. You may believe that animals should be killed, that black people should be enslaved, or that women should be beaten, but you don’t always have the right to put your beliefs into practice.
Wow. Arrogant much?
An animal’s inability to understand and adhere to our rules is as irrelevant as a child’s or a person with a developmental disability’s inability to do so.
Um. If a child or a "person with a developmental disability" murders someone or burns down a building, they are forced to "adhere to our rules", often by being institutionalized or jailed.
There are people on both sides of the abortion issue in the animal rights movement, just as there are people on both sides of animal rights issues in the pro-life movement. And just as the pro-life movement has no official position on animal rights, the animal rights movement has no official position on abortion.
Wow. I got a headache reading that one.
The animal rights movement is nonviolent.
WHAT? Right.
There are very serious problems in the world that deserve our attention, and cruelty to animals is one of them. We should try to alleviate suffering wherever we can. Helping animals is not any more or less important than helping human beings—they are both important. Animal suffering and human suffering are interconnected.
Brings to mind the announcement you hear on airplanes: please place the breathing mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting those who may need help.
Morons. I'm all for preventing animal cruelty. But there's a food chain for a reason. Meat is tasty. Yum. The great thing about eating meat, is that if push comes to shove, I can eat a vegan.
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Should we call menorahs "holiday candleabras" as well? Let christmas trees be fucking christmas trees. Who cares?
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An update on this story. I love a happy ending. That's why my girlfriend forbids me from getting massasges. HEY NOW.
Home at last!
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