Friday, September 23, 2005

Oh, So Many Things To Talk About...

Most of my family still live in Houston; my mom tried to get out with one of my brothers on Tuesday...they drove for eight hours, traveling a total of 30 miles. They turned back at that point; as they were traveling (in two cars) with two cats, a dog, my elderly mom and five kids. They plan to ride the storm out in my brother's office building, which has no windows (on his floor), and its own generator. My dad, meanwhile, plans to hole up at a friend's second story apartment.

Another brother who lives on Crystal Beach (near Galveston) evacuated to Beaumont...sort of like evacuating to the breakfast nook when your kitchen is on fire. I have no clue where he is now, or my godmother, who lives in Beaumont. Cell phone service down there is nonexistent, and land-line service is almost as bad. Dad told me that Houston may turn off all power at some point this evening. Yikes. I hope* Rita goes further east.

I've read several places that the Texas DOT had no full emergency/disaster evacuation plan for the Houston area. Odd, considering its value as a terror target, and the large number of chemical plants, and oh, the NUCLEAR REACTOR. My understanding is that the roads out of the area were not fully contra-flowed until it was too late for that to do any good. I'm glad that I moved to Chicago; but I'm scared for my family.

* Were I not a very happy atheist, I might have used the word "pray"...

TV is teh AWESOME!
I love this show. LOVE. IT. The GF hates it...PRE-EMPTIVE DIVORCE TIME. Har. Nah. She is kind enough not to tease me about watching this embarrassing teenybopper sudser/90210 knockoff...although her love of crappy reality shows more than balances the scales.

Methinks Miss Manning has never actually BEEN to Dodger Stadium. Their "fans" leave in the sixth inning so that they can skip the traffic. Not exactly what one might call "fanatic"; or believe them capable of any form of celebration.


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